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 Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)

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2 participants
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Nombre de messages : 5291
Age : 32
Localisation : Montréal
Face/Heel/Neutre : Neutre Ascendant Heel
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMar 9 Jan 2007 - 20:05

Avans meme que le match commence, Triple H a fait un Pedigree a Batista et Shawn Michaels un Sweet Chin Music a Chris Benoit. Apres c'est coups bas controversés Triple H et HBK on chacuns montés sur un cornoer et on fait des X svetpardes "Suck it" Croisés! affraid
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Chris Be

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 0:17

jme suis fait trair
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John Cen

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 9:07

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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 18:38

We got 2 words for ya..

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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:31

oooohh tu ma sais tu me connai pas asser mes ma te screwer mon gars ta pas ideer ma faire comme edge pi orton mes di toi une version plus grosse et plus agressive:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:33

Batsita...You like cocks
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:38

est pas drole pi ta faite une erreur ds mon nom
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:45

batista a écrit:
est pas drole pi ta faite une erreur ds mon nom

uin c'est pas batsita c'est BATSIDA crisse d'inculte vas téduquer crisse *lance un journal*

*batista vas comprendre*
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:50

lol! ...pi va tpendre...lance DEUX journal!.....oohh ton radar la pa vi vnir celle la hein?!!
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:54

batista a écrit:
lol! ...pi va tpendre...lance DEUX journal!.....oohh ton radar la pa vi vnir celle la hein?!!
screw after screw after screw after souper

uin sa donne faim screwer
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 19:56

pi pas apx pres!
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:04

savais tu que je suis homosexuel?
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:05

Triple H a écrit:
savais tu que je suis homosexuel?
j'men doutais
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:07

spoursa t ak shania tawyan.....a scuse shawn micheals.......

g rien contre shawn ou contre hhh c probablement ds mes lutteurs preferer....mes seu sul forum ..i got two words for ya........................................

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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:08

thats the best you got shit head
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:10

ahhhc a sa tu vx taverti tu vx pas jouer a sa ak moi...
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:11

try me bitch
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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:15

sa px continuer de mm pendant des mois
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:16

im patient
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:17

if i see you in person ima whoop your ass
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:17

ok c ok batista on arete yer hot meme si on l'niaise

j'mexcuse c moi qui a mit homosexuel me suis tromper de personne

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Nombre de messages : 1887
Age : 33
Localisation : c evident criss sur le forum
Face/Heel/Neutre : HEEL
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:19

non ppccc i pense pouvoir me battre elle la elle est bonne
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:19

je suis correcte avec undertaker
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Triple H

Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:20

ou dans montreal va tu a l'ecole tu veut me battre en personne?
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) EmptyMer 10 Jan 2007 - 20:20

Triple H a écrit:
je suis correcte avec undertaker

i was only joking

i love to change message when people post
im sorry
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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)   Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match) Empty

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Revolution vs The Rated R Wolverines (Tag Team Match)
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